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slinky.kate | 23:47 Wed 03rd Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
trying to get the printer to work today,which we succeded but in the process for some reason i put a book of stamps in the copier to see if it was working and it did,the stamps look good,do you think i could use them??????


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can they tell????
Hold the (original) stamps almost horizontal in front of your eyes, while facing the light. You'll see the phosphor bands on them, which is what the automatic sorting machinery looks for. (There are different bands on 1st and 2nd class stamps). As far as the machinery is concerned, no phosphor band means no stamp!

Oh, there's also the small matter of a maximum 10 year sentence for breaching the Fraud Act 2006 ;-)
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right ,i will throw them away,i dont want to go down in the dungeon,would you lot visit me??
Of course we'd visit you.
(Gloating is fun, isn't it?)
I'd bring you a cake with a file in it Kate.


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