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MichaelZZ | 08:12 Thu 04th Aug 2011 | Jokes
4 Answers
A barrister friend told me this little gem:
A member of her chambers was in court one Monday morning when the judge said, in sombre judicious tones, "I'm afraid that we'll have to adjourn this case. I have written my judgment out but I left it in my cottage in Devon and I can't get it sent here until tomorrow." 'Fax it up, my lord,' the helpful barrister suggested. To which his Lordship replied, "Yes, it does rather."


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Rather reminds me of the old chestnut that the definition of a creche is a collison in the stock-broker belt.
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Thanks for that, cc1.

...and the definition of stagnate is what a posh bloke has before he gets married.
Thats funny Michael.

good one

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