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Why are people so touchy about religion?

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10ClarionSt | 19:21 Fri 05th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Last week I had another answer removed because I slagged off religion. I don't understand. It's all fairy tales innit? Oh don't upset our eastern cousins cos their religion is special. Why should God only be great for people form the East? Why should God bless America and no-one else? It's a load of cobblers!


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I think it is ok to question the validity of religious beliefs...there have been a number of reasonable debates in R and S etc but when it gets to the point where people are ridiculed on a personal level for their beliefs it becomes somewhat distasteful. the whole point of religion to some folk is the idea of faith believing in their 'teachings' regardless of how strange or pointless it seems to outsiders... you will not unsettle the true believers or convert the convinced atheist....the post therefore is often pointless
Very well put,l Rowan. Why deliberately give offence to others, anyway?
10ClarionSt, you may be right but if you are, you`ll never know!!
Ease off the subject, anyway, and don`t upset what to many folks is the bedrock of their life.
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People get so uptight about religion..I had an e mail sent to me about the new "World war 11" memorial that has been built in washington DC And apparently It has a quote from President roosevelt Apparently he made a quote after pearl harbour was bombed saying they'd get revenge and he finished the quote with 'so help us God.' But they didn't write it with the quote because it may upset other religions.. Obviously christian groups are up in arms about it..
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Yes I agree with that 10clarion. I don't like people who force their religious views on me.
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