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Earlier Than Usual "Good Morning All"

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moonraker558 | 04:31 Sat 06th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
I just thought I would get it in first for a change before I knock off and hit the sack. It is dry and very mild here on the Plain. I hope you all have a good weekend.


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dedicated to all the Men in the house :-)
05:24 Sat 06th Aug 2011
Morning from the capital, overcast at the moment, weatherman says bad stuff on the way, oh well...
morning all....another almost sleepless night look like one of the undead this morning I was planning on a baking day but can't be arsenalled
just got up as my blokes best mate gets married today. He stayed over ours and he's still in bed!
just tried to send email and virgin is not working oh b I hate sending texts
morning all - I see the early birds had a good chat - have just come back from morning amble with the house guest - she goes home today, Ill miss having her around. Picked some lovely blackberries - the brambles are absolutely loaded - think I'll take a bigger container with me when I fetch the papaer. Have a good weekend one and all xC
good morning to y'all - grey here in the land of the pasty, ice cream and proper, yes proper, cream tea - but what is new about that.

Am up way too late - wanted to be kicking by 7am not that there is an enormous amount to do other than some writing. However, the lawn mower does beckon and so does coffee which is a far higher priority and of imminent need.
Morning all, not a bad morning here in Notts just back from walking Max and I was surprised by the number of people out and about normally we never see anybody.
Morning all - drizzly but brightening here in the far corner of Kent - I need to get dressed and go to the tip and go to Tesco (in that order).
Good morning all.....warm and very dull and grey looking out there.

I'm off to help a pal find ideas for a new Kitchen. Going to blitz as many furniture shops as we can in a day. Already Googled every known site on the net!!
Have a lovely day everyone.

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Earlier Than Usual "Good Morning All"

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