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FB gone a bit bonkers?

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sherrardk | 22:02 Fri 05th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
Has anyone else's FB page gone a bit bonkers and started suggesting loads of people who have mutual friends who 'could' be your friends?


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thats okay, I dont think sqad is fond of me anyway ;)
DT....what has this got to do with FaceBook?
hi sher, My FB seems to go through phases of no suggestions and then loads in one go. last couple of days have been a busy phase :)
Christ I give up.

You make a flippant remark and all the pedantics are out in force.

Need I spell it out. Cazz makes a remark that the FB count is 289 and something, I make a flippant remark implying that one person here would be removing their support (and yes I dont even know if Sqad is an FB member and I dont care).

Anyway the balance is now still neutral as Postdog is throwing his vote in!

I think you'll find it's 'pedants'.........:o)
lol cazzz, guess you will live with that - his remarks were somewhat off and unhelpful - and I am surprise his maths as to becoming preggers was so limited......
Before you go DT...any helpful advise for Sherrardk? :-)
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Thanks ummm - I'm getting used to people going off on one on my questions (got one removed the other day because of the bickering!).
(i) to sherrard, withdraw from FB it seems to cause nothing but grief, therefore I am not joining

(ii) not seeing much else that is constructive.....says he tongue in cheek
Yeah I know....pity.

I think how often it happens depends on how many friends you have.
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Hi DT - I use FB to keep in touch with family and friends at home (dont live a million miles away but don't go back) and to talk to friends locally who also have small children and, therefore, no social life (imagine sad face thing).

Hi ummm - don't have many friends on my list, cant work out how some people have 600+, can't remember the kids' names half the time, would never remember who was who with that many friends!
I have quite a lot...but...I was brought up in a pub so know loads of people. I also have a massive family and I'm also friends with my kids friends. That's the deal :-)
I'd keep it to that sherrard and no more - you hear all these stories about weirdos looking in (and the tie-ups to folk here for example), and then HR units of companies looking one up to see if your application ties up with your background/resume........that is unbelievably intrusive.
Do you have Skype sherrard, then you can chat for nothing face to face....
now that is a good idea, craft....means having the make up on, sherrard, but it is good - we use skype within the family, es. one in the Channel Islands which fall outside BT's call-all package.
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Hi Craft - I quite like FB, seeing photos of your friends having nice times, keeping up with family gossip, etc.
fair doos..............
I love aunty is slowly putting up family albums from when my grandparents were young, their wedding, and when their kids were young. All I have to do is tag them and taaadaaaaaaar I have all the old family photos :-)
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To be honest Craft, it is the only communiction I have with one of my sisters and my brother (family gone a bit to pot since my mother died - she used to be the central information point).
I thought it had always done that. I wish it wouldn't though.

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FB gone a bit bonkers?

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