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Out of curiosity.

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roxie_09 | 18:08 Sun 07th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
How many people would feel inclined to get involved in a domestic, or if you saw a man hitting a woman. I came across a thread from a few years ago on accident and made me wonder x


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Completely agree Trim, I remember a few years ago, my mums bf at the time hit her while me and my sister were still in bed, I've never got out of bed so quick! x
yes i have done. Saw woman having her faced smashed into a wall. Me and my mate followed and he did it again so i shouted at him. He went for us with baseball bat. Police came and he had ran home and got a gun on his child. He was eventually arrested. Even though stupid woman took him back i'd do it again.
id like to add i wouldnt get involved if man had hit woman because she had hit him, serves her right.
Mercy sakes alive! :(
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omg, there are some nutters out there! It's so sad though when women (and some men that are domestically abused) can't see a way out. Nice to know that people don't just see it and walk away x
I did my best a few months back - saw a bloke getting really up tight with a woman outside her house. Jeez he was big. So I called "plod" - they were there in a few minutes.
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I've never seen anything happen out in the streets or in public places, so not sure what I would do, but ringing the police is probably the best thing to do, as if the guy has no problems hitting his gf/wife, he's not going to have any problem hitting me or any other female x
A few years ago I used to stop at Long Eaton Notts, I'd seen this bloke clout this woman & knocked her to the ground, I stopped the HGV I was driving & called out for him to pack it in, to this his girlfriend shouted mind your fcking business this has fck all to do with you!! I will let you think what I thought Roxie.
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I can imagine, and don't blame you TWR. Maybe she didn't want people to see her as the vulnerable person? Who knows x
I don't think I have the strength to intervene, but I'd certainly call the police.
My ex and I saw, at the top of the street, on a night out in Brighton, a huge bloke smack his girlfriend in the face and the edge of the kerb knocked her out when she landed (really made my stomach go, that did!). He was still going at her, kicking her, so my ex managed to pin him down until the Police got there and I tried to bring her around whilst waiting for the ambulance. They carted him off, but she refused any treatment and just wanted to go home and wait for him in the end!

It wouldn't stop me intervening again, though. I'm with 4get, too if you smack someone first (man-woman, woman-man), you're asking for a smack back.
It does not matter how annoyed you get with your Wife / G/F its a weak way to deal blows, my opinion if its worth it, walk away simple.
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Some people just never learn. However, when my mum was married (another bloke from my previous answer) he would hit her etc, and with 5-6 children living at home at the time, she couldn't afford to leave him, so would keep taking him back x
I intervened in a "domestic" on Victoria Station years ago a man was punching a woman, so I shouted at him, they both turned on me and told me to mind my own! I'd probably do it again though!
some families think violene and abuse is a natural way of life and sadly the cycle carries on. Therefore help a poor woman (or man) to get out of the cycle and live peacefully before their own children succomb to this way of thinking.
What about the other way round? My aunty was a dominent woman and very often would hit my uncle with whatever was available. He always said he couldn't hit her back. They were married 40 years tho til she died.

Yes I would be inclined to intervene. I've done it with two males fighting plenty of times.
If two men were fighting or two women for that matter, I'd probably let them get on with it, but if several people are picking on one then I have, and would again, either intervene or call the cops.

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