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Off to bed ...

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Iggle Piggle | 22:45 Mon 08th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Do you think I need to hide the car, batten up the doors and shutter the windows incase there is a local riot?
Jeez, the world has gone mad and it's only going to get worse...


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There are people out there who will use any excuse for a punch up and we play right into their hands.
Think we will all wonder what we will have to be doing at the moment Iggle...scary times and not enough law enforcement...where this will all end is anyone's guess.
I don't understand what is wrong with people. I know there is a lot wrong with this country at the moment, but bl88dy hell, it's one of the most tolerant countries in the world, we accept all creeds, colours, beliefs without question and they are given all the support that we can manage. British born and bred of all colours and creeds are given every help if needed and yet this mindless lot are now burning their own neighbourhoods, looting the shops. We know we are not perfect, times are hard for all of us at the moment, but the opportunities are there for everyone if they can get off their bums and work for it instead of expecting it all handed on a plate.
Puss this is what we get simply because we ARE too kind and understanding, they sh*t on us for our troubles and will do it again and again. There's very few nowadays who have an scruples or care for anyone but themselves despite all the help they are given they will kick you in the teeth. More fool the UK to keep on and on giving, it's about time we hardened up and said enough is enough and turf the scum out.

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