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Tax Refund

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SIRandyraven | 15:07 Tue 09th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
As the police it seems are no longer stopping theft and arson.
Do I get a tax refund ?
After all I'm paying a lot in tax for police to protect and serve and they are not it seems


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You remind me the people who phoned me to ask me if we (the holiday company) were now offering cheap holidays to America the day after the Twin Towers collapsed.
I wouldn't hold your breath!

Your community charge will go up now to help pay for all the damage.
We gave approximately 140,000 police In England and Wales covering 58000 square miles- that's little more than 2 policemen for every square mile. Okay I know we have more than that in the city areas but still they are few in number compared with the numbers of troublemakers and streets to be covered.
In reality there is little the police can do unless they know exactly where the incidents are going to be.
What would you do differently if you were a policeman in one of these areas and saw 200 youths running down the streets, some with TVs under there arms, others throwing bricks etc?
So I assume you are in the middle of all the action Andy and are therefore in a position to claim that the police are doing nothing to stop what's going on?
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@factor30 - What would i do differently. For a start put in place an effective police force. I pay taxes for other people to worry about policing the community and protecting me from thugs. it seems the current lot are not capable of it.
The message being put out on the news now - Is don't expect the police to be able respond. I presume the looters are watching the same news.
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@milly - No thank god - Moved out of London back in 1993 , when the local housing association purchased most of the houses for sale in my street.
They then modernised them and moved in Kurds and Albanians.
The drug dealing then started ...a murder or two at the end of the roasd ...time to get out of dodge I figured.
What did the AOG say on Sunday? too many immigrants! was he right?

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