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Thieving Barstewards!

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mrs_overall | 20:09 Tue 09th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
A funfair has arrived in town (complete with hot dog/burger stalls) and purely by chance Mr O has had all his onions nicked from his allotment. Pure coincidence?


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<<'I have to live with the grumpy git' >> I have one to live with too Mrs O but he's got all his onions!
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oh the witticisms are coming thick and fast now. Good job I'm thick skinned (unlike mr O's onions lol)
Good on you Mrs's good you can take it from both ways, now all yiou have to do is convince Mr O...good luck lol.
I agree with the sympathy and your annoyance with the Turds, but there is a funny side to this.

Mrs O's Son: What vegetable makes your eyes water?
Mrs O's OH: One of my white onions, Son.
Mrs O's Son: You`ve obviously never been hit in the nads with an eggplant then Dad!
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For gawds sake dont say things like that daisya - you make me sound like a swinger!
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lol DT
@ Mrs O....<gulp> now I never even thought of that, I'm such an innocent at heart so they tell me at the "Hedonistics R Us" club.
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Thanks daisya - you inadvertent (I'll give you the befefit of the doubt) double entendre didn't exactly make grumpy git laugh, but the corners of his mouth moved slightly
Any one else remember Jimmy Wheeler's catch phrase?

'Aye, aye, that's shallot'

ok I know it was supposed to be 'that's your lot' ;)
Q:what's round,white and giggles?

A:a tickled onion
Bet that was easy to spring to mind
mrsO asda 12p for an onion
Like that DT will have to pinch that one lol.
DT - do a poem for mrs_o and you could be a rap_scallion ;)

Night all

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