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what is the weather like near you

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DrFilth | 14:04 Wed 10th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
it is bouncing down in droylsden


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miserable but windy in the west mids
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it seems to me if you live in UK you've either got rain or riots
Hi Dr.

It's windy and overcast (Although there are patches of pale blue sky inbetween) in Stockton-on-Tees. Been a few rain showers throughout the day.
Chucking it down in the Golf capitol of Europe!
odd, breezy, been sunny, but grey now, bit of everything really today.
I think summer's taken a rain check :-(
warm and grey now, sunnyish earlier, no riots. North Norfolk

Where have you been woman?
Hot and sticky on Essex coast.
Had a busy week, then an internet problem and then not well. Did you miss me BOO? That's nice xxxx
But I made some appearances yesterday morning?!
you did? I was at work then, so missed you, and yep , i did :-)
Wet and blustery here in East Yorkshire. :o(
Ah, I feel all warm and glowing now BOO! xx
>>>Bouncing down<<<< How does that work then?

No rain today in North Devon, off to the beach with the dogs now :-)
Our corner of Kent has had blue sky and warm sun all day, a stiff breeze but otherwise a lovely day.
Sunny but windy - Portsmouth
Sunny but very windy in Portsmouth

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