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Eric Pickles??

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netibiza | 13:14 Fri 12th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Was watching him on Sky News and he was talking about the police arresting thye thugs very soon and said, "Soon they will be walking up your drive!!" I have a drive but I didn't think many had in those areas!! is he out of touch?


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With a LOT of vinegar, he does...
Probably hes a horrid man
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*thye* is old fashioned speak!
just a nasty fat man.
took me ages to get what lie in king meant...doh! But funny :-)

Well after reading that some of them, the looters, had jobs, and good ones at that Neti, I bet quite a few of them have drives.
LOL at "walking up your drive"!

If you have a drive you have a plasma don't you? - no need to nick one. Note to the police - About Turn!
He might be out of touch but Hazel Blears asking why those kids were not in school strikes me as a litte more out of touch.
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they can't walk up ours, there isn't one, and the last twerp who tried to get in when not invited came unstuck.
AYG you can get nasty thin men as well LOLOL. Have to agree with you though, saw the interview and I thought...jeez who pulled his strings, did not like him at all.
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