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Looters on Sky News now......

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ELVIS68 | 19:38 Fri 12th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Lol, they`ve got to be the thickest feckers ever, camera panning up and down them clocking what clothes and trainers they`re wearing.

How long before they are caught?


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Do they really believe the crap they are spouting? One of them said it was ok for him to nick stuff because the shopkeeper had a shop and he had nothing. Makes my blood boil.
More money for single mothers said another 16yr old with a son of his own.
will it make any difference, if some are too young to be prosecuted.
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They should`ve chained them up and left them there til the tide came in
Who is to blame? bad parents & upbringing? the H.R. lobby for coming out with stupid rules? there is fault somewhere! but where?
Just heard one of the idiots saying he had been to Comet in Clapham as they hadn't given him a job after he had given them his CV - that should narrow down who he is (arse hole).
don't tell them your name pike
The presenter has now just said ' .... They just wanted what they haven't got, a voice' - wrong!!!! They wanted a shed load of nicked stuff, what botox.
How do you educate these ignorant people. and what sort of effective punishment can you give them to make them understand the severity of their actions?
we will never get capital punishment back but what about corporal punishment?
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You can`t educate them, a bullet between the eyes would be a good punishment
I do not think it is particularly fair to call Dermot Murnaghan, Colin Brazier, Adam Boulton and Sarah Hewson looters, Elvis.
they are sooo brave, they cover their faces, yeh right!
If they are too young to be prosecuted, then the parent(s) should be held responsible for their sprogs' actions, not just in these cases but in any criminal action. If these parents are made to take some responsibility, they might try and stop their horrible offspring offending.
Catching them is a waste of resources if the courts are not able to punish them adequately
Lack of parental guidance , lack of family values. They are feral children who have no fear of authority . Examples need to be made of those caught.Castration would prevent them spreading their seed.
No, Teddy, you're too soft - would you prefer to build some gas chambers?
Castration isnt a death penalty.Wake up and remove your head from your bum.
Or are you advocating gas chambers? They would have a zero repeat offence rate though.
In my opinion it all went wrong when teachers had aurthority taken away. Bring back the cane i say.
Its the breakdown of the family unit , no father figures and lack of guidance.

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Looters on Sky News now......

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