My inside leg measurement is 25 inches. Very difficult to get anything to fit, especially as my other measurements (waist etc) are large. Short and fat gets you nothing. Fortunately I am in the older age group and can buy suitable trousers from mail order - Chums is a good one. Oh to be tall and slim!!
Same problem, I'm 4ft. 10" but have a large hip size. When I was young and slim I could get kids clothes from C & A with no VAT. Now it's Bon Marche and some wonderweb lol!
Found a perfect fitting pair of jeans in the Petite range at BHS. Asked if they did jeans (none on show) and young lady assured me that they had just started stocking them, not yet unpacked and came back with straight cut and boot leg in two sizes. Chose my jeans and hung about to thank her. Will definitely return there. Oh, sale on £15.40. Brilliant!
That's good, I never thought of them. I do wish some of the modern shops would cater for the "older" person i.e. smart but not "twin sets & pearls" type stuff. All the modern ones around my area sell either cropped tops or else long baggy ones and not much in between, and at my age the last thing anyone wants to see is my mid-rift! And I hate anything hanging below my jacket.