1. Chris's para. about fraud is not applicable in this situation. Anything done between you & your creditors is a voluntary arrangement, not one where you have a legal requirement to do something.
2. Seems to me you could do with some advice on what your best option is. Contact CCCS or go to your local CAB. Do NOT get involved with any fee charging so called "debt management" company.
3. What is frequently done about DLA, is to show it as income & then show the same amount as expenditure with a note that this is expenditure in relation to your disabilities. However, this does depend on what your circumstances actually are, & what you actually do with the money. Also, it can be difficult to separate it out from other expenditure items - for example someone who is housebound might use some of their DLA to make a lot of phone calls so as to keep in touch with friends & family. This would result in a much larger phone bill than normal, only part of which could be said to be use of disability money.