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If you look at Fredsblog profile....

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micmak | 13:47 Sat 13th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
It says Banned. I thought banned users had all their posts removed. Yet he still has the last answer on TWR's thread below.


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Oh right..................I was just reading his latest thread and someone said he'd gone.
Sorry Craft was not being rude, I too often miss events. Just so happened I knew this one.
Well tell then..............
The whole thing was removed for a reason, so I dare not.
Someone posted a screen shot of Docs facebook wall where he admits to having other user names, basically to wind people up.

I'm sure you can guess who was involved in the convo.
I must be thicker than usual today, so I'll leave it.
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That's my boy LOL And I don't even try to :-/
i think it's a shame the thread was removed. i for one wanted everyone to read it so they could see for themselves what a wang he sounded. And what his wife thinks of everyone who falls for his windups.
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it's a very good word

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If you look at Fredsblog profile....

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