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I ain't seen Sqad.......

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micmak | 23:22 Sat 13th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
This weekend. Is he in Manchester again, doing his thing. ( Tho I don't know what his thing is ) Maybe he is doing some private work, or maybe he is 'signing on' Just joking. LOL


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He's been on here and answered some questions today mic.
He was here this morning, micmak.
and this afternoon
you can check his profile .
If he was in Manchester he would have invited me for a fish supper (though as I rebuffed him once, maybe not)
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I am clearly not up to speed. Thanks guys.
Far be it from me to start any rumours, but Salla seems to be missing as well!
salla says she can only post during breaks at work now, mike, she has to go to the library.

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I ain't seen Sqad.......

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