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boxtops | 23:35 Sat 13th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
"Dear boxtops, we have some interesting news about your Euromillions ticket"..


£2.60 :-(

At least it proves that the numbers are still in the draw!


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Lend us a quid Boxy.
Can I have your address for my begging letter.
Make sure you take sound financial counselling, Boxy - don't let it go to your head...
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What you going to do with it ? Double or quits?
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It doesn't even pay for my bus ticket into work on Monday!
The most I have ever won was just short of £900 in 1982. it was on the football pools. At the time it was a lot of money to us. Today it is not very much at all. Though I suppose it is how desperate you are.
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£900 would be very welcome in the current climate, micmak, as it would to most of us. Do people still do the football pools?

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