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Morning, where is everyone?

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emmie | 06:12 Sun 14th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Morning from the capital, i wonder where everyone has got to, or that the posts are not popping up, as last one i can see is from hour ago.


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Morning all, nice and bright over north Essex, enjoy your day, try not to overdo it lcg.
06:26 Sun 14th Aug 2011
Oh dear, sorry to hear that. When you meet that gorgeous young girl and decide that she's the one, you don't think about the consequences down the line. I suppose that's where the ' for better or for worse' bit comes in. My parents are going through something similar themselves. Please pass on my best wishes if he pops in and I'm not around.
I certainly will Count, he is a true gentleman, is wtbm
Morning all - I didn't wake til 7 this morning, unusual for me. Dull but bright (if that makes sense) here in the far corner.
morning all sorry em did not see you down here
Morning em and everyone!
I'm an Essex girl and here its getting better by the minute.
Enjoy your day folks.
Gonna love ya & leave ya to visit Hertfordshire now..... (there's a joke for ya in 'Jokes', take a look.)


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