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Sqad - Femergy Tablets

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smurfchops | 18:09 Sun 14th Aug 2011 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
I am thinking of getting some of these to up my energy levels but I take 20mg Simvastatin daily. Is it OK to use Femergy as well?


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I have never seen any adverse drug interactions reported, no problem smurfy.
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Thanks sqad, just quickly, is there anything I shouldn't take, being on statins? I know grapefruit is a no no, but any vitamins?
Smurfy, I am just looking at my instruction leaflet in my packet of simvastatin - there is nothing about vitamins or other supplements, the only contraindications seem to be cardiac medication or a couple of antibiotics. I take a raft of vitamins and supplements every day and when I was on a statin, it didn't seem to do me any harm!
smurfy.....the only Vitamin that might not be a good idea to take with statins is Vit B3......but the others would be fine.

See if your GP agrees with me, but I cannot see any big deal with the combinations.
Interesting sqad, thanks - that's not one I take. Noted for future ref - I've just had my bloods done again, awaiting results! (sorry smurf for hijacking a little)
boxy...I don't even think that B3 would be a big deal (Just read it somewhere, an American journal I think)
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I take glucosamine and Omega 3 so far ... but I will try Femergy, there was an article about it in You magazine today. Thanks everyone !!

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