humax hard drive tv box in The AnswerBank: Technology
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humax hard drive tv box

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crisgal | 20:26 Mon 15th Aug 2011 | Technology
4 Answers
is playing up! The memory was almost full so we went through the media library and started deleting stuff as we have done hundreds of times before. But over 24 hours later, it still says it's deleting!
The listings have gone from the menu, but the memory clock is still saying full.
Also, it shows as recording something, but it actually isn't!
Does anyone have a clue as to what we can try?
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factory reset maybe
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i can't find that option :(
Try Switching it off at the mains then rebooting.
there's an on/off switch at the back of humax boxes on the left (looking from the front)

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humax hard drive tv box

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