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Ironman Competition

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sherrardk | 21:39 Wed 17th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
My friend's husband is entering the Ironman competition this year in memory of their lovely son Jack, who sadly died last year aged 5 1/2.

I realise that this is cheeky (and I hope I am not breaking any site rules) but this is the link where you can donate (the money is going to Birmingham Childrens Hosptial). Thank you. x


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Well, my tenner is on there. Where is everyone else's then?
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Thank you Chris - it was very sad, poor boy had to have a bone marrow transplant (then got swine flu) and was given the all clear, only for something to go wrong. His best friend (in the same class - which is the class our boy #2 is in) also had the same type of Lukemia (sp) but will get the all clear in 8 weeks time (fingers crossed).
Done! I hope he does well xx
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Thank you Vodkancoke, x
I did an iron man on Lanzarote several years ago. It was fun but hard going, i wish your friend luck.
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We've just come back from Lanzarote and I can't imagine doing anything more than going for a stroll to the beach, let alone any sort of competition (unless it was an ice cream eating competition).
My tenner is on too Chris. Every little helps I am sure.
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Thank you Starbuckone, x
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Sorry Chris, everyone else got a x. X
Done ♥
Mine has been accepted
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Thank you Mamalynne, x
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Thank you DaisyNonna, x
Another £10 to total from me.
Good luck.
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Thank you SIRandyraven, x
my SIL (on Mr RedCRXs side) completed the lanzarote ironman this year, shes just done another a few weeks back and just hearing what it involves makes me exhausted lol

My Nephew from previous relationship is going through the treatment for luekaemia at the moment so i usually donate to clic sargent, but i shall add my bit to your friends page soon. Remaind me on FB next week if you can x

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