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cupid04 | 15:05 Thu 18th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Get fed up with the moaners on here. For eg:- You've posted this in the
wrong section, duplicate post etc, etc.


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should this be in the history section
Yes. We do try to get it right and when your new it is not at all helpful.
Not really. Some people might not realise they've posted in the wrong section. Duplicate posts can be confusing.
your = you're!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's have a good whinge about the moaners....
I think that written comments can look like a moan when really meant to be helpful.
It's often ED isn't it, who kindly asks people to put chatter in CB.
Duplicate posts sometimes happens, accident, nothing to get bothered about.
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My screen is now covered in Tippex from correcting the several errors in this thread.
use a post it, you can just move it around
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But do you like being corrected, triggerhippy?
I get fed up with people moaning about people who moan :-)
Then again there'll be people who hate those who, like me, moan about people who moan about people who moan.
And so on ...
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I see all the jokers rather than the moaners are on here. I love you lot, you
make me laugh. Carry on your good works.
Nah, doesn't bother me Milly :-))
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No I think it gives the site a human touch. Get rid of the moaners, whingers, jokers and snappers and it would be really sterile.

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