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If I drive faster than you

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nanonanos | 23:57 Sat 20th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Then just how the hell can you complain that you cant keep up with me???


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Perhaps some people would be happy to see you disappearing into the distance anyway?
It appears we have a troll amongst us...
A troll? On AB? Shurely shome mishtake...
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Do you not like me? or have you just had too many drinks? either way I have no problem with you Mr muppet
Oh of course, this is AB, my mistake ;)
We welcome new members but (from past experience) we're a little wary of people who jump straight into 'Chatterbank' (and who seem to know their way around by, for example, immediately posing Youtube videos). They have a nasty habit of turning out to be banned members, posting under a different name.

While you might have taken offence at my (light-hearted) criticism of your tastes in beer, you've certainly done nothing (in my opinion) to merit being 'zapped' by any of the moderators on this site, but you might care to note that some of us have 'special buttons' available to us:

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If I drive faster than you

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