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policeman is moving out at the moment

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slinky.kate | 15:46 Sat 20th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
hurrah,flags out.i will get parking o k now


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You have a peeler as a neighbour?
Or rather, had a peeler as a neighbour?
Which policeman?
Question Author
the one who wont let me park at the disabled parking i got,and when i argued with him about it he reported me to the police and they came up,its not against the law in scotland.All my other neighbours are great so i'll be o k now
If you have a disabled bay, why can't you use it if you are disabled? Or is it that you aren't disabled? If you aren't disabled, then I agree with you not being allowed to park there. There is a reason why these spaces are there! But, if you have a disabled badge, then your happy policeman is clearly in the wrong and needs reporting!
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carakeel,yes i am disabled and have a badge,i have had the parking bay for about 4 years but can rarely use it,it is not illegal in scotland to use a disabled space,it is courtesy.
the problem with disabled spaces in domestic streets (ie the council paint one because a disabled person lives there) is that when they move or die, they never come and remove them. My parents live in a road where parking is at a premium, and there are 4 disabled spaces there, all from people who have moved on in one way or another
if its a disabled space and you have a badge, why did he report you and why did the police come?
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bedknobs i am going to phone them and tell them it needs repainting.
still don't get it kate? Are you saying other people parked in it all the time?
Good riddance to him!
Block him in so he can't leave.
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he said i wasnt always in the car,i am not allowed to drive as i have had a bleed in my brain,for that reason he said son was using it for his own good,we had an argument and he reported me,and they came up but no charges.even if the car park is empty he uses it and his now girlfriend.he watches me struggling in and out of the car but he wont move,i dont want any hassle so i just let him have it,no other neighbours used it so he had his own private space
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bednobs only him and his girlfriend parked in it,i said i was going to block him in and he said he would get the car towed
that seems completely nonsensical. He reported your som to the police for using a disabled space when he is not disabled, yet he then went on to use it himself. I presume he's not disabled?
He would be if it were my mother or father in this situation.
What a creep.
I would look at everything he does and report him for a few things.
The man sounds like a total a***hole to me! Shouldn't be allowed to be a policeman if that's his attitude towards someone who's disabled imo.
write a letter of complaint to the chief constable
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no he's as fit as a fiddle,he also mentioned the police are on his side,i could'nt handle any more confrontations,so we ignored each other and he continued using the space when he could
I would write to the highest officer you can and ask their opinion. Be really nice about it and especially mention that he watches you struggling. He is a very bad representative for the police and his girlfriends needs a right telling off too! If no other disabled person is using the space, there is no reason why you shouldn't! That is what they are there for! Not for some trumped up idiot who thinks he can have special privileges and can treat others like rubbish! I would take photos of his car parked in the disabled space and send them to his top boss and ask why it is he is allowed to do this! Hope you can get it sorted and hope he moves .. to Siberia! ... soon! Hugs!

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policeman is moving out at the moment

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