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Hangover sickness

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fliptheswitch | 00:05 Sun 21st Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Hello. I actually feel proper ill... like really sick.
Has anyone got any remedies for sickness. please...


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ok, keep supping, flip.. keep supping ;o)
That sounds like an excellent idea, Flip.
(It increases your fluid levels, it increases your blood sugar levels and - in the short term - it will help you to sleep. OK, the room will be spinning when you wake up half way through the night, but what the heck, that's in the future!)
you talk from experience chris .. lol ... ;o)
Irn Bru does it every time for me.
Orange Lucozade and a huge fry-up does it for me.
Loobylooo, where's the beans?
Home-made chicken soup, liquid only no solids, paracetamol followed 2 hrs on by ibuprofen, full fat coca cola or a home-made rehydrating solution ie half pint glass of fresh orange juice, handful of sugar, good pinch of salt, top up with cold water and stir regularly while drinking slowly.
sandyroe, could you see any room for beans??!! lol
A travel sickeness tablet does wonders everytime, stops the dizziness, nausea and makes you sleep :)

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Hangover sickness

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