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The Pope

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Sqad | 07:17 Sun 21st Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
An untimely vicious storm in Madrid which greeted the Pope and the thronging Catholic supporters, which blew off the Pope's hat and sent the crowds scurrying for shelter was a rather untimely and disingenuous tribute to the Holy Father.
Would it have been more appropriate to have produced this on that Saturday night of the Tottenham riots?

God works in mysterious ways.


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Did anyone chase after the hat for later sell on eBay at a vastly inflated price?

You are right about the Tottenham riots and other city riots - maybe the same effect could have been produced by water cannons.
It was the fashion gods.
The pope is just a dope on a rope
Strong winds are a sign of the presence of the holy spirit
I don't understand nano's definition - what's rope got to do with it?
Question Author has a boxing connection..Mohamed Ali "Rope a Dope".................
forget it.
The evening after the Manchester riots there was seriously ridiculous rain, absolutely torrential (and I say that living in Manchester!). It was a running joke that mother nature had released her own water cannon. Save getting soaked to the skin it was one of the best incentives there could have been for people not coming out to cause more trouble.

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