I won't forget my son's first day at school.I told the teacher he could read and write,she went MAD at me----tears were in my eyes.Why had I taught him? she asked. I told her I was at home all day and he was the only child so I had the time to spend with him (his father was away at sea),I quietly asked what was wrong to which she replied "We like to teach children our way!" That told me off !!! Kate. sniff, sniff. ( circa 1974 )
And what makes her think "our way" is the correct way?. I for one commend you for teaching your son to read and write before he started school, well done, pity a few more parents do not give their child the time they need like you have.
If that was in 1974 the only explanation I can offer is that at the time maybe the ITA reading/writing system was still being used in primary schools. I am a teacher and a parent and had no hesitation in introducing my children to reading and writing before they went to school
My son started school in september-5 in october (when schools still had Jan and April admissions also) His teacher 'told' me he was slow, so wasn't teaching him to write until Jan-by end of Jan he could read perfectly-thats slow is it? I was fuming