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ah, i remember when...

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looobylooo | 15:31 Mon 22nd Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
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just going back to quassias chuckle thread, where i mentioned how i remember looking through the noisy, crinkly pink brown, empty inlay of a chocolate box, at programmes on our black and white telly, making believe we'd got a posh colour set! lol,
are there any things that you can remember doing like that, when you were young, when money and luxuries were scarce?

would love to hear if you have :o)


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Maggie love that :) so true x
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lol @ beattie!

yeah, those were the girls worlds quassia... mine had blonde hair that you 'styled'..
and it came with a set of false eye lashes and little bits of make up too, but her face was that smooth and shiney, you could never apply it very well, lol..
Aww what a brilliant memory neti! Rocking at the Continental coffee bar! What were the men like?
just read a page about the magic paints. I'd forgotten about them. One paintbrush and a pot of water. I once got fed up and drizzled water over the entire page. The result would now be an equivalent of a Tracy Emiin :D
Quassia, they were boys, we used to wear shirtwaister dresses, bouffant hair and kitten heels, and hooped petticoats for jiving in! (it was last century!!)
Sorry neti, that's what I meant! Love the look of that era!
I remember rocking at the Astoria on Friday nights, hoping to get a date for the Sunday night pictures so I didn't have to pay to get in. The dance finished at 10-30 and I had to be home soon after. I'd sometimes run home carrying my high heels before Dad came out looking for me. If my date walked me home we'd be standing at the front gate, then Mum would come out to put out the empty milk bottles.
lol gran! Then mum would come out ...accidental like! ;0)
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a colouring books and a new set of felt tip pens to put in your furry zip up pencil case ..... ooh noone couldve given me a better prezzie back then!
i remember whsmith did a big long see through plastic case of them, with a little carry handle, with all the colours of the rainbow in it.
oh how i loved to sit colouring, by the fire (when mum managed to light it with her 'flare' lol) on a cold winters day.
luvvly :o)
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lol, your mum had 'good timing' didnt she gran!
Ha ha looby! Did you ever have a cabbage patch kid? Or ... were you ever one? looooooooolllll !!!
No peace, if I took a bfriend home my younger sis would sit with us staring at the new beau.
lol gran!!! That really did make me laugh! Did you ever pay them off?
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neti, im a bit too young to know the 50s style first time around, but i was brought up with the rock n roll jivey music, and still love it to this day.
infact there was a large group of us who used to meet up a couple of times a week, all dressed in our 50s style dresses and circular skirts, with coloured net petticoats underneath, and off to the rock n roll disco in town we would trot, to jive the night away!
oh we thought we were the bees knees we did lol.
Did you learn how to'back' your books in school looby, then graffiti them all?
That's it looby, and the frou frou petticoats were a lot more comfy than the hooped ones, although the cheaper frou frous were scratchy!
looby I was about 16/17 years old, they were innocent fun days. Jobs were there, no drugs and parents looked after their kids better, the teddy boys and mods and rockers were pussycats compared to the youths nowadays.
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yes neti, they were scratchy alright lol.
i used to buy a different colour of new netting every other week from the indoor market, to add to the petticoat, and inbetween adding a new layer, mum used to starch it for me.
i loved it when you twirled when jiving and all went on show! lol

when you say 'back' my school books quassia, do you mean cover them with wallpaper?! lol
you could always tell what the other kids houses were like, by the covers on their books lol.
and yep, when all nicely covered, you then went to town 'graffiti-ing' them all up! lol
Yeah, backing your school books with wallpaper! Right, got to go! Thanks looby for this thread and everyone for the laughs! :0) x
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ok, see you soon quassia! :o) x

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