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Just thinking out loud

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lankeela | 23:48 Tue 23rd Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Random shots fired into the air like they are doing in Tripoli, where do the bullets go and how come people aren't being injured by them?


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Actually, if you think ... and just type ... that's still not "out loud" is it?

Sorry, just thinking out loud there.

Or not, in fact.

Hmm ... I don't suppose you'd want a hot lump of metal to land on you from the sky.

Good point, lankeela!
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Just to be safe, you should wear a hat, like in Trime's picture!
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Oh. Right.


Although, according to the Wiki link, a falling bullet will go straight through a house roof, so I can see that a hat wouldn't do much good.

Although, boaters are quite sturdy.
I will be safe here in my tin foil but just to make sure I will get another vodka. It kills all alien brainwaves.
Golly, I just started two sentences with "although".

That reads a bit awkwardly.
Got 'ny gin, Jan?

I'm a bit off the voddy at the mo.
The BBC have considered your question, Lankeela ;-)
Good old BBC ... they always address the issues that we ponder.

On BBC Sussex this afternoon, they addressed the old chestnut about ...

"What would you rescue from a burning building"


Because they had a lady on whose house had been hit by a stray firework ... and burnt down!

The lady said that, after getting her family out, all she had time to rescue was ...

... her two childrens' cuddly bears.
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Thanks Chris, you're certainly on the ball tonight with you answers (nothing new there then). As for thinking out loud, I often talk to myself - first sign, isn't it?
Well ... err ... yes !

Oops sorry there jj. Got bloody nothing now as just finshed the vodka. Will have stock up again. x
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Just my luck !
re stray bullets when Mr S was working in the port at Luanda, Angola a group of rebels were celebrating whatever and fired shots in the air killing the poor crane operator who sat 40ft up in the cabin, no one was ever brought to task over it and they only paid the guy's wages to his wife up the moment he was killed.

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Just thinking out loud

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