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Mephisto 2660

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BIll | 08:50 Thu 25th Aug 2011 | Crosswords
4 Answers
I'm in a mess. Kayakamina et al can you help? Try to follow this:

I haven't yet solved 1a. Paparazzo's setting beau in stone - quite the opposite (5). I have F - T - P.

But I would also have and S after the F if 2d SKELDER is right (Seek, before leaving, a tribal chief's cheat (7) ), and if 3d TANTARA is right, and not URETHRA (Blast! Bracken contains pismire (7)). I originally had FRUMP for 1a which fitted with URETHRA. And what on earth starts with FS?

You can see what a mess I'm in with just those to put right to finish the fiendish thing.


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Think the first one, 1 A might have been Fstop (F-stop, a camera setting)
Tantara is/was correct
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Ah yes! Possibly. Thanks
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Yes, I see. Thanks a lot. That completes it.

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Mephisto 2660

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