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Nice walk

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queencharlotte | 15:53 Wed 24th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
I have just returned home after a pleasant and uneventful walk when I found my new companion perfectly amiable (if rather expansive about a triple by-pass, arthritis and macular degeration) but utterly boring. Still, it`s over and I followed all your kind advices and good wishes.

Oh for someone who makes me laugh ........................


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I hope that your "paramour" doesn't have an AB account, QC.........
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No, he made it clear he hasn`t got and doesn`t want a computer. Then told me about the six varieties of potato he grows on his allotment, health permitting.
He wasn't called Chip by chance, was he?
told you to take a walking stick to beat him off QC - remember posting that advice!!!! I would have collapse in hysterical laughter if he'd said it to me - don't know how you kept a straight face.
now why didn't you think about taking a web cam linked to here with you?? We could have all shared your moment over a bowl of popcorn 'Truman Show' style! ..... Seriously though, you've just had bad luck there .. there's someone for everyone I believe x
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agree quassia but why is he being so bally ellusive?
May be you're not looking in the right place for him rsvp?
Oh bless you QC for you have made me laugh out loud. Sorry your bus stop buddy didn't do the same for you. Maybe you could try the train next time?

Now regarding the fish. I have had my feet nibbled and would recommend it to everyone to try once at least. Its relaxing and a bit of fun. The water in the tank is being changed constantly and undergoes filtering as it is oxygenated. The fish nibble away at the dry skin on your feet and leave them lovely and smooth. Their digestive systems are such that they never stop nibbling. It doesn't hurt a bit, but its bubbly. I compared it to having your feet in fizzy lemonade.

If anyone does go, I suggest trying one of the small and quiet salons for a relaxing pedicure rather than one of the gold fish bowl mass market ones in the shopping centres. (Forgive the pun)
I'll have to start hanging round bus stops then (lol)!

I couldn't bear to have those little fishes gnawing at my feet. I feel sorry for the poor things !!

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