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joggerjayne | 09:48 Sat 27th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Isn't it depressing when you fill in something online ...

... and you have a drop down menu for your year of birth ...

... and you have to scroll waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy down to get to the year you were born.

I expect to see little pictures going past as I scroll ...

The Millenium Dome ... Apollo 11 ... Hitler ... Henry VIII ... Jesus ... Prehistoric Man ... Dinosaurs ...

... aah, yes ... here we are ... my year of birth, ALLLLL the way down there ...

... "CLICK"


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1990 flashed past in a blur, as I continued on my way down to 1966.

Bimey JJ your still a youngun,I have to keep going to 35.
1966 a great year to be born and yes it is depressing!
ha, you wait till your year isn't even on the list, even though it has the Big Bang on it.
I got to keep going down to 1957!!!
Ha ha! Yep, depressing eh! You're thinking .. what the hell!!!
and I have to keep going further down than any of you... :-((
Mine is usually one of the last to appear and sometimes not even then!
At least your birthdate is on there. My Dad is 92 and it didn't go past 1920 on one site I was on!
You're younger than be, JJ - not by much, though...
I don`t mind admitting it




Does it go any lower than the basement level, JJ?

Haven't seen my davy lamp in years :(

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