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Where are you?

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Jemisa | 10:53 Sat 27th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Where are all you 'Chatterbankers' today? very scarce on the ground as yet. Perhaps they've all gone away for the BH weekend.
My brain isn't geared up for crosswords and puzzles today. but I do hope the CB crowd have a good time,



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Finished shopping, then realised I had to get present for my brother's birthday. Went to M & S and bought pressie, also 3 pairs of shoes in their sale (down to £12 from £49) one of which is a lovely pair of cerise suede wedges for a wedding later this year. Hung out washing and now about to prepare dinner for tonight as we have friends coming round. Should be a good day after yesterday.
I'm in the slough of despond. Sigh...
I'm in the pub.
Hi jem,
Shopping/pub, now on the way home x
eh oop - Wigan and Leeds on the box and at the same time, trying to write - or at least get inspired.
och Sandy what's up?
Nar, nowt in particular DT, I go all nerdy on holidays and take a shine to all the Regatta stuff, lol.
I am in Johannesburg working. As it is a Saturday I am playing on the computer.
I've just got in from work.

But I did have yesterday off and have tomorrow and Monday off too.

Cooking a meal now and listening to the rain on the windows.

Let hope the suns on its way for the weekend as its been wet,wet, wet here these last few days.

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