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7 Down and 11 Across

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Querty | 22:37 Sat 27th Aug 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
Can anyone help with 7D E?U??? and 11A C?I??? please?


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What are the clues?
Take your pick . . .

eluate equals equate
equine equity exults

coitus crieth crikey
Crimbo Crimea crimes
crimps crinal crined
cringe cripes crises
crisis crisps crispy
critic chibis chichi chicks
chided chiefs Chieti
chigoe chikan childe
childs chilli chills
chilly chimed chimes
chimps chinch chined
chinks chinky chinos
chintz chippy chiral
chirps chirpy chisel
chital chitin chiton
chives chivvy clicks
client cliffs climax
climbs climes clinal
clinch clines clings
clingy clinic clique
clitic coifed
coiled coined coital
Quite a choice there Sir-P!
Is this the Telegraph cryptic ?
If so Exeunt and crispy
Actual clues are a great help to those trying to help :)
querty - I think sir.prize is trying to point out that we are not psychic - we don't know what you are talking about unless you give details
He missed out equips
Oh yes 7D sorry ..I have Equipe .
Yes mike, I also missed out exeunt
a lot of typing there!
Cut and Paste Euphemia

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7 Down and 11 Across

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