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what a miserable washout of a Summer eh?

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Bobbisox | 20:17 Sat 27th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
still , spare a thought for Americas Eastern seaboard with Hurricane Irene, so I suppose our weather isn't that bad all told :-)


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no heating on yet so I suppose that's a start :-)
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oops, what happened there... a
Saying that there's a huge black cloud coming over at the moment! Lol.
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I have just done a rain dance WBA :)
to use your hoses et al...
I think there is a lid on the sky up here - so many grey days. My OH is guilty of saying "the nights are fair drawin' in" and, just to cheer you all up, Christmas is just around the corner....
Christmas .................. dark Winter nights? GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!
On the plus side, because it is so miserable and cold, my husband is busier at work than he was this time last year (he sells and installs wood burning stoves).
Cheers Bobbi! My Mom lives in the North East and she's told me they are swapping the car for a boat :-)
It's been quite good in West Yorkshire a fair mix of Sun and Rain for an English Summer, it certainly has been better than the last few years with constant rain so it seemed. The young-lings have being able to play outside in the Sun during their holidays. Having said that though 'I'm only happy when it rains ;-)'
We are bringing our caravan to West Yorks in September - it will definitely rain then!!!!
Guaranteed, if your bringing a caravan. The pita patter of tiny raindrops as you take a breather. (I do hope its mild for you though)
We haven't had a bad summer here in Norfolk .It started early really and we had drought .No rain for weeks on end .The media dubbed us No Grow Norfolk and the farmers were doing their nut .
August has been a bit wet though :) Yesterday was dire and it's been raining on and off today .
I think the seasons are slowly changing .
Not been too bad here - only rained twice so far this year. First time January to March then April to date.
Arksided is right we haven't had a bad summer this year in Yorkshire. We have to expect some rain and we've been lucky that it's rained over night. It feels like Autumn now though and it's getting dark earlier. Hate the winter time.
Thank goodness for a thunderstorm. High winds and rain.
The heatwave has finally broken, so we'll be able to sleep tonight.
Fresh air at last :-)
If only we could get a respite from the wind!
askyourgran, Your not wrong about the nights drawing in quickly its seems that only a month ago Dusk was about 9-30 and now without the clocks going back its' jumped to 8-30. As you say though being lucky with the Night rain.
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Quite bad here in Edinburgh, alternate days of sun and rain. More or less what we had last year as well.
I put the heating on half an hour ago, normally I don't feel the cold but my ears were in danger of falling off.

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