Unless there are VERY exceptional circumstances (which the judge must explain to the public and the press in open court) judges MUST stick to the guidelines in this document:
The sentences shown in the table on Page 5 refer to a first-time offender who is convicted after a trial. An offender who pleads guilty at the earliest opportunity can receive a one third reduction in the sentence.
So you'll see that the absolute MINIMUM sentence which can be passed (unless there are VERY exceptional circumstances) is one of 2 YEARS imprisonment. (i.e. 3 years less one third). Since an offender normally spends only half of the nominal sentence 'inside', that means that your friend will be 'banged up' for AT LEAST one year.
Oh hang on a moment, haven't I already told you all of that?
The document that I've linked to above is the actual document that the judge will have before him when he passes sentence. 'Section 18' is an extremely serious offence, akin to 'attempted murder'. Probably only one person in a thousand (or fewer) will avoid custody.