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Good Morning All ABer's

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moonraker558 | 05:34 Tue 30th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
53 Answers
Autumn is in the air, slightly overcast, but it is still time to get yer butt's out of yer bed's as it is time to start another day. There that has motivated you hasn't it.


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morning rowanwitch and missnemesis
Hey there DrF. I hope all is well with you and yours this morning :)
think the days of me being well are long gone :)
:( Aww sorry to hear (read) that DrF.

I will rephrase.........Hope all is not too rubbish for you and yours DrF ;-)
well it is dry and bright in droylsden at present so not all is bad
Sorry to hear you are not well Dr. Filth....nothing serious I hope.
i have a few problems that is why i am up early, have some food so i can have some tablets

anyway must go hope you all have a nice day
morning everyone - would like to add my best wishes to all who are having a bit of a difficult time - hope things improve.
Bye Dr. F. take care. N.x
Good morning, a cool day on the Tyne, no sun, just dull and grey :-(
I'm motivated this morning by an app't at the docs at 9o/c this weekend has been one from hell with the pain of the sciatica, my thoughts to aleviate it have been 'amputation or suicide' (only joking) but its been that bad.
Oh! & good Morning to you all, cloudy & overcast here.

Morning, murph and i have made an executive decision and we're staying in bed, g'night
Good morning all, dull and dark at the moment, but at least it's not raining yet. Nice to see WBM popping in again, and I like to add my best wishes to him and all the other guys and gals with problems that make most of mine seem insignificent

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