Of course Matt Smith doesn't have the amazing good looks of David Tenant but I like him very much. (I enjoyed him in Moses Jones) Amy Pond is fiesty enough for a companion but I do Like Rory!
I think Dr Who is utter rubbish and just gets dafter and dafter and according to the Mirror today, viewing figures are down - sorry don't know how to do links.
Sorry, but it's dire now. The acting and characters are rubbish and the writing is atrociously ridiculous. I don't mind a complicated story but more often than than not this is the equivalent of having to do the times crossword with dingbats for clues. From what I have seen on here I'm not the only one, and those who hate it now do so with a venom.
Agreed that Matt is probably not the best, but what I really hate about the last few series (since it got going again with Chris Ecclestone) is that the stories are normally 1 (or 2 at best) episode. What happened to the good old 6 week serial that left you 'guessing' for a whole week? How would the Doctor escape from certain death at the suction cup(as they haven't got hands!) of the Daleks again?!
The Dr has twelve regenerations on top of the original one so has 13 lives so another two Dr's to go yet. Though RT Davies never showed a regen from Paul McCann to Eccleston so the series could run and run.
Matt's a fine Doctor and has had some of the best stories since the series returned as they involve the viewer more. The trouble with RTD/DT era was a complacency to rely too heavily on CGI to cover the fact the story-lines were weak.
Saying all that, it's still nowhere in the same league as the original series as having little money they had to be more creative visually and the writing had to be spot on for it to work.
The regenerations are as follows from William Hartnell
1) Patrick Troughton
2) Jon Pertwee
3) Tom Baker
4) Peter Davidson
5) Colin Baker
6) Sylvester McCoy
7) Paul McCann (U.S. TV movie)
8) Christopher Eccleston
9)David Tennant
10) Matt Smith
Other actors to have played Dr Who are Richard Hurndall as the first Dr in 20th Anniversary story The Five Doctors and Peter Cushing as the first doctor in two films based on two Terry Nation stories he did for the first series.
I like Matt Smith as the Dr and have got used to him rather quickly. River Song's arc is getting complicated and is taking over the series. This will be Dr RS soon not Dr Who!!!
River is in prison for killing the Dr (Impossible astronout) and the speculation doing the rounds is that the doctor is working towrads 'fooling' the universe into believing he is dead but actualy isn't. Now this would be fine for you or me as we could hide easily. However the Dr would stick out lke a sore thumb.
Also, unless I have missed something, I haven't figured out why Madam Kervarian hate the Dr so much?