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Full Moons

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EvianBaby | 17:00 Thu 01st Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
I heard something the other day about 999 calls increasing when there is a full moon.

Is there any truth in that?


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Oh, and if so why?
I used to work in a psychiatric hospital and the full moon definitely effect peoples moods.
That's why they were referred to as lunatics...
Exactly, ummm
The staff used to dread full moons...guaranteed it would kick off.
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Oh yeah! Luna-tics. Never occurred to me. How weird.
My aunt is a nursing sister and she has always commented on the fact that A&E is mobbed when there is a full moon.
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It has been said on here that I have an effect on certain people.
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Thanks for the link. That basically suggests there is no proof anything changes with the moon, but I like to believe otherwise. It's more interesting. :o)
It's also true...
'Cos, as my old dad would have said, 'all the yampy buggers are about then'. Of course I wouldn't dream of saying such a non-pc thing!
Some of my more 'interesting' patients used to play up around full moon time, I could actually predict who would call.
Of course A and E is mobbed when there is a full moon. It is full of people who have been bitten by werewolves. Did you not know that?

What is mad and goes to the moon?

A loony module!

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Full Moons

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