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Good Morning Perishers :)

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albaqwerty | 05:58 Fri 02nd Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
Hope all goes well with you this Friday xx

Him and Him have gone fishing, freshi fish for dinner tonight !!

(Aye right lol)


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I'm off to work now..have a happy day everyone...bye Alba...great to see you again. N.x
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Work is a nasty word but pay-day is nice :) Take care Nora xxx
albaqwerty - re your ealy post, sorry to have been so long getting back - been out along the river - am looking after three dogs, chickens and goats - have been going there for years, there used to be two horses and several cats but they've gone to the big stable/cattery in the sky.
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lol rsvp, plenty of company then :)

A walk along the river sonds lovely. I've a spare fishing rod.....
Morning all. A bit overcast here in Bristol. How lovely to hear from my cyber son again (Welshy). I hope it's permanent.
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Morning Stary. I hope so too.

(Stary?? Starby even :D )

It's damp here, as usual.
Morning all, been awake since 6 but tried to sleep again but no luck! Wish I could have more than 4 - 5 hours a night.. Hope everyone has a good day and an even better weekend, take care all.
Just read through all the posts and realised waterboatman had come back too. Hope all goes well. I can empathise with him and his beloved.
Hello x

Hugs to WBM and Mrs Boatman,

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Good Morning Perishers :)

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