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How The London Riots Really Started

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chrissa1 | 12:27 Fri 02nd Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers


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I resent how the youtube link has B00 innit :-(
It's actually BO0, rather than B00 or BOO, B00.
Yes I know, i was going for a funny, that obviously worked well....
The video is hilarious actually B00, you should watch it...
I did, and it is :-)
Oh damn, I thought you couldn't see YouTube videos. My cruelty lost to the wind... Very unsatisfying.
Serves you right for raining on my parade up there ^

I laughed B00... my sides split open in fact ;-p
Wondered what the oozing stuff was Snaggles, was too polite to mention it. How was the chicken livers by the way? I see CD's dastardly plan didn't work.
They're on there way to you, first class.

Haha, didn't even give 'em a go?

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I just thought it was funny. Do you really read links before you watch them BOO?
she's thinking of opening a libel case against Youtube, chrissa
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Lol DT.

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