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Weak Ankle

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chrissa1 | 09:23 Sat 03rd Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Today's the day of the big wedding I'm going to. Fingers crossed that my "kitten heels" are not my downfall.


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I hope you have a nice and enjoyable day. Weddings are my idea of hell - loads of relatives that I would try to avoid any other time and no family wedding would be complete without a fight of some sort.

My brother's wedding was simple and enjoyable.

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Thanks wolf. It's an old friend's daughter's wedding so just old friends I haven't seen for ages. It's the first big "do" I've been to without my husband so a bit on edge.
Good luck, chrissa, I'm sure you'll be fine - pop some flipflops in your bag for later on!
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Will do boxtops. Thanks.
Come back tomorrow, and tell us how it went ♥
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Okey dokey.
hope it goes well Chrissa be thinking of you
Have a lovely time
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Well, it was more or less a disaster. The wedding was in a village and mini cabbed there but I, being alone took my car. The parking was in a field in front of the church and I needed help from one of the carparkers to get me over the grass.
When I got on to hard ground, I hadn't practiced enough and found I had to tighten the straps by the side of the road. So there was me, large hat on, clutching my bag and the nearby wall trying to "elegantly" carry this out.
When we came out of the church it was pouring and so my return trip back over the field again was aided and I kept getting stuck in the soft ground.
I got to the Reception and luckily there was a man who parked my car for me but after that it was flat heels for the rest of the time.

Added to that, I had forgotten my lipstick and under my hat, old friends didn't recognise me until I told them who I was and lifted it up slightly. I've always had my husband with me before.
So, all in all it was a bit stressful and strange without him but it was a lovely wedding and the bride looked beautiful.
Well done for sticking it out, chrissa - you did it!
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Thanks boxtops.

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