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I wish I hadn't started this....

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rowanwitch | 14:30 Sun 04th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Rearranging the spare room to house all my craft stuff.... I now have fabric in boxes, rugs on the bed and a load of clothes still to sort out,,, and I am getting tired ...still got two baskets of ironing to do... I wish I could afford to run a couple of slaves.....


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Post a bit more about "satin", "blouses" and "lingerie" and I think there will be at least one willing "slave" arrive from here..............
Are you up for it Squad, the Lady needs a couple of Slaves :-))
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But can they clean....I should think Sqad forgot how years ago... and Red will just park himself in the kitchen and appoint himself official food tester....
I will help..I'm like that..LOL
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I think I saw a couple of foot of bed but I might have been dreaming

Still stopped for lunch so feel able to tackle the rest of Cr@p mountain
so just leave it...finish it tomorrow. or the next day. do an hour or 2 a day of it.

it'll be done soon enough
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Can't settle til its sorted.... probably should have started earlier At least I can use the PC in the morning now without glare from the window
Did somebody mention craft stuff, that usually gets my attention:)what stuff have you got? ooh now you've ruined it and said that horrid ironing word. I've got two baskets of ironing to do as well, but would much rather be in my craft room creating.

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I wish I hadn't started this....

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