Books & Authors4 mins ago
Family Allowance
Just a quick question to you all. My 17 year old child who currently lives with his mother has told me that his mother is moving to a new home whilst he is moving in to lodge with friends whilst studying for A levels. Is his mother still entitled to claim his family allowance even though not at the same address? If she helps to pay for his lodge and bills is she then entitled? If not is my son entitled to claim family allowance for himself? Also do I continue to pay CSA to her or does it alter to go directly to my son or do I stop paying and help him direct as I obviously will anyway. Thanks a concerned father
Have a look at gov web site, I believe if he lives away from home for something like 56 days in a 16 week period the authorities have to be advised.
17:38 Mon 05th Sep 2011
Have a read through this and/or ring the freephone helpline.
If the child is absent from the Claimant, as long as the Claimant contributes an amount at least equal to the Child Benefit rate (in cash, in kind or in combination) toward the child's upkeep, then the Benefit remains in payment. The 56-day rule would not apply in these circumstances. See here for confirmation