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Is anybody trying to list on eBay at the moment?

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boxtops | 22:53 Sun 04th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
It won't let me in to sell - I can get into my account. It's free listing closing at midnight, I wonder if the site is overbusy, or whether it's just me?


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boxtops, probaby very busy!....due to free listings!.........keep trying!......
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I've been trying for nearly an hour....
If it is free listing there will be a long queue.
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Correction: It was free listing this weekend. Extract from email

Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 September 2011

£0.00 insertion fees*

Valid for up to 100 auction-style listings with a starting price of £1 or more
they sent me an email

Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 September 2011

£0.00 insertion fees*

Valid for up to 100 auction-style listings with a starting price of £1 or more

All other selling fees will still apply

Applies to items listed with Quick Sell or Advanced Sell (Sell Your Item) forms or the eBay applications for iPhone, iPad or Android

Items listed using professional tools are excluded

Open to all users registered on (except business sellers and below standard sellers)
eddie, i had this email, about free listing this weekend

Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 September 2011

£0.00 insertion fees*

Valid for up to 100 auction-style listings with a starting price of £1 or more

All other selling fees will still apply

Applies to items listed with Quick Sell or Advanced Sell (Sell Your Item) forms or the eBay applications for iPhone, iPad or Android

Items listed using professional tools are excluded

Open to all users registered on (except business sellers and below standard sellers)

The eBay Team
lol ... snap! DF!
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Question Author
Hi Eddie - I got in this morning, no problem - it must have been site overload!

Yes definitely free listing 3-4 September, I too put up new stuff AND relisted, all was zero (except where I had two pics so paid 12p).

They seem to offer free listings every three weeks now (or it seems that frequent!)

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Is anybody trying to list on eBay at the moment?

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