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Boots points

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MissCommando | 20:28 Mon 05th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Do you reckon you could use your points at a Boots in an airport? Didn't know if they had any strict rules cause they like to charge more etc. I've got about £35 in points!


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The website says "We're sorry but points cannot be spent in Boots Opticians, on, or at Boots Hearingcare.", so I assume you can.

You have to have the exact amount of points to buy stuff though which shouldn't be a problem with your £35 lol. I've only got £2 odds left and can't spend it on what I want! They need to introduce part pay :)
I fell foul of that rule. Even the assistant didn't know why you couldn't add your own money to top up your points to make a purchase.
I think it's really stupid of them tbh.. The superdrug beauty card has that advantage though :) Maybe it will spur them on to change it x
Did I read somewhere that Boots owns Superdrug?
They don't lol.. AS Watson own superdrug.. xx
Fair enough.
I'm sure when the Boots card first started you were able to use it to part purchase. I felt really embarrassed the other week, I visited the Clinique counter and signed up for an expensive special face cream where I would be monitored monthly to see if it was working. The beautician filled in a lot of paper work with my personal details etc then I went to pay the bill of £40+ using my card which I knew had £36 on it and a five pound note to make up the total and was told I couldn't do that. I was amazed - it seems the rules changed ages ago but I'm sure nobody was informed or I missed it. I ended up with a £40 bill which I could ill afford as I was too embarrassed to back out after all her work (took about 20 mins) Perhaps I should have been more assertive ..............
Oh poor you anne. I would have said that I just couldn't afford right now then and beat an elegant retreat.

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