The Official Receiver will have given you written information on your resonsibilities during your bankruptcy. One of these is to notify any increase in your income within (I think) 21 days of it occurring.
Getting married does not, of itself, increase your income. However, it might (depending on your living arrangements & what you agree with your husband about who pays for what) reduce the expenditure you put on your bankruptcy form, & thus increase your "surplus" income which is taken for the creditors. However, I am not sure whether such a decrease in expenditure has to be notified - I rather think it does not.
You need to look in detail at the written information about your responsibilities & make sure you comply with it. If it does not tell you to notify a reduction in expenditure then you needn't do so.
I'm not sure I agree that your husband's credit record will not be affected by the marriage. It is possible Credit Reference Agencies may bring together records for married couples unless they are notified that there is no financial link, so your husband may need to do this. Also, you must not have any joint financial affairs such as a joint bank account or mortgage.