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annoying phone calls

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sherrardk | 18:23 Wed 07th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Am on the phone to some idiot company who rang me, is playing me awful tinny music and keeps telling me 'to stay on the line, my call is very important to them'! (Only hanging on in the hope that someone actually speaks to me soon so I can tell them where to stick their call!)


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Bugger - after six minutes a different voice said 'goodbye' and hung up on me!
-- answer removed --
put the phone down, it's not worth the breath.
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I get loads of them so I have decided (now that the house is quieter with the children back at school) to answer them and tell them to stop ringing me. (I answer 'withheld' and 'unavailable' numbers too as we get some calls here for our business.)
Each time I get thee calls, I put the phone down pronto. Simples.
So have you tried putting the number you rang into Google?
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Hi Craft, there was no number (unavailable) - couldn't believe their cheek when they hung up on me!

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annoying phone calls

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