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Another MP faces court over expenses fiddling

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LazyGun | 20:25 Tue 06th Sep 2011 | News
8 Answers
Thought at the time that she appeared to be one of the worst abusers of the previous expenses system. Good to see that the justice system doesn't forget.....



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Probably be guilty and get a harsh 3 WEEK sentence.
Great analysis there, Everhelpful.

MPs previously sentenced for 1 or 2 counts of false accounting received 16-18 months, while Margaret Moran who faces charges on 15 counts of false accounting and 6 of forgery will obviously receive a much reduced sentence.
Shame she wasn't caught rioting too.
I hope they throw the book at her. £60.000!! She probably thought she could get away with it being an MP stupid woman. Btw where is Ed Miliband? Has he be returned to Nick Park for rewiring, haven't seen him for ages.
Trouble is,ABerrant,they are given sentences of 16-18 Months and end up doing 16-18 weeks.Bloody ridiculous.
Gran, I think Millipede is keeping a low profile because of Labours Libya involvement
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Much as i disapprove of the London looters, its people like her and John Prescott that make me really angry. To have the opportunities they have and to use them to fiddle the ordinary people of Britain makes me mad.

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Another MP faces court over expenses fiddling

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