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Adverts which follow you around

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albaqwerty | 14:25 Thu 08th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
When your microwave packs in, the adverts seem to be about micro-food
When your washing machine throws a hissy fit, the ads are soap powder and fabric softener.

Or is it just me?


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There are adverts about you ?!?
And when you lose a pet it seems every add is for petfood, the RSPCA or dogs trust
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OMG, that's a dreadful thought OG :D
that really fecking annoying one with the meerkats
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oh yes rowan, Also if a bereavement is in a particular way, a drowning accident for examply, the films and some tv series have that particular way too.

It's strange how we notice things.

Aww, fluffy, Iliked the first one with 'Steve Smith' but they are really getting annoying
why have they made the confused dot com cartoon womans boobs move around? i feel embarrassed when i watch the advert
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I thought I was seeing things the first time I saw that one.

However she still pulls things out from under her skirt, and her a skinny Lady too :D
lol fatboy called me a perv for noticing that

the meerkats adverts i have hated from days one, 'simples' makes me shudder

its catching :-(

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Adverts which follow you around

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